Friday, July 13, 2007

Moses/ Transfiguration

I was that prophet-mute; that prince stripped of power and honor

Who first beheld You in that wilderness of my shame:

Being hid within flame

Like all who suddenly behold God, I fell in fear, I decried

My own sins and was given a way to approach: in the softness, the vulnerability

Of my shepherd’s feet.

You asked me to speak for enslaved Israel; humbled desert-man

Like a feral, wounded animal hobbled by healing bands

Approached by the Healer

You caressed me with reproach, stroking my fear down

To a steadied flatness and with a promise: new understanding

Of Your Person.

I was that sunburnt piece of humanity on the side of the Mountain

Who climbed beyond knowledge as You led me:

Inward and outward ascent

An ember twirling in fire-wind, begging to see Your face, to know

you as a man knows his friend and silence fell: softness of thought:

“You will die-”

I was in the cleft; I was the Eagle’s chick with Your wing over me

Nearly burnt to death in the wake of your back

Shekinah gave way to form

In my heart, the longing to see Your Face remained, to be

drawn in to unity and made a new being: I to Thou

Ever afterwards.

I was then, with Elijah, Your I to Thou, I was a Face Fulfilled

By the Suffering God; 

I’d never have guessed Your design, especially

after Egypt

As I took my eternal fill of Your Countenance and of God’s light unabashed,

Made bold with love and immanent freedom, I spoke as a man to his friend,

Of the glorious Cross.