Sunday, October 08, 2006

Did You Pay For That F-16? Are We Responsible For A Little Boy's Death?

Wierd title, I know. I'm trying to be part of the wake up call for Americans: did you pay for that F-16 that blew up a house with a family in it, in a territory that was not owned by the nation that sent the F-16? Are we responsible, as a people, for what "is being done in our name" in the Middle East?

As Christians, we need to be "gentle as doves, but wise as serpents"- in other words, we have to work for peace, but we really can't unless we know what the serpents are actually doing. The video link I've posted below is a really good, serious look at what has been happening between the state of Israel and the illegally occupied territories of the Palestinians- from the viewpoint of Israelis for Peace, Palestinians and various journalists.

Right now, we live in America, whose democracy is being eroded in large part by a media that has given in to large government and corporate interests: as Thomas Jefferson said, "I would rather live in a country with a free press and no government, than a country with a government and no free press". He understood rightly that without journalism commited to the truth with courage, democracy or true freedom can easily be morphed into a pseudo-democracy, an Orwellian oligarchy disguised as 'free'.

We need to start to look more closely, find other news sources, and TURN OFF the mainstream coverage. Check out foreign news services, or look up the organizations listed at the end of the film. This is about our responsibility to know what our government has done in the last twenty or thirty years, in terms of the Middle East and Israel in particular- and where our own tax dollars have gone in the paradigm of this fight over territory. I believe it will be something we each will have to answer for: as individuals, because a nation is made up of individuals.

We aren't getting the real story: and perhaps this film is only part of the story, but it rings a lot more true than Bill O'Reilly, Dan Rather or Ted Turner's CNN (Who in their right mind would trust anything he puts out, anyway?) At the least, try BBC America on cable.

Here's the link: