Sunday, March 28, 2021

Wrestling with Powers and Principalities

       Babel Tower by Cildo Meireles | Sculpture, Artist, Art

How did we get here, into this medical tyranny, this morass? There are a number of factors at play in terms of how this begins; it seems to me that, first, there has been a long-term "education" into individualistic "buffered realities," to use the same concept that Charles Taylor uses. This is the slow-growing divorce of human political communities from the criteria of the natural law and Reality, and then this divorce filtering down, as is natural, into individuals willing to live for the "freedom from" rather than "freedom for" reality, as D.C. Schindler argues particularly for the American political development out of the Enlightenment: the poisonous "first principle" that political laws, akin to Newtonian physical laws, are constructible by humans for humans aside from theological reality came into full flower in the mid 20th-century, just as mass media began in greater force than ever before through the advent of the television. As Chris Hedges argues in The Empire of Illusion, our political system (in my own understanding, that which disposes us towards Ends, towards God or towards ourselves) has become nothing more than consumer images, that which panders to the desires of the populace. Thus, the Western polity lost its true role as the disposing agent for human flourishing, in principle around the time of the Enlightenment, but in reality in the 20th century as Christian values were subsumed under hedonism glorified. 

Another key to this "education" is the "dumbing down" of the populace in the sense that most people no longer have strong, developed faculties of critical thinking, and especially not the kind of critical thinking that is Aristotelian and Thomistic in nature: the thinking which sees itself, again, in a larger, beyond-self, beyond-culture, teleological cosmos. Tyrants don't want people to think that plants, environment, sexuality, human life, etc, all have a telos which reflects the creativity of God; this implies moral, spiritual, and rational responsibility and limitations. Instead, the tyrant's "education" wants infantilized, isolated, human beings who think that their actions are good but in reality are mis-directed virtue, human beings who cannot adequately critique themselves or, more importantly, their government. 

The meaning of Snowdon and Assange as whistleblowers in the previous two decades comes into stark relief in this situation: Anyone who paid any attention knew, at that point, that governments and cooperations like Google, different banking systems, etc, were already in illegal working relationships to harvest personal information from billions of people--in their own countries as well as others. However, of course this goes two ways: if one can get information at that level, one could also give it, which is a much greater opportunity for power, attractive to those who began to see themselves, a la the Big Tech crash and bailout of 2008, as above the law, beyond it, entities of such great importance that "they cannot fail." These elites also have mechanisms of bribery, blackmail, and control of each other, as the Esptein case only just hinted at. The "spider web" of control, as documented in the film of the same name, leaves little to the imagination about how inter-connected and powerful the hidden elite economy and power-structures likely are. Those creating these structures, in a human sense, do not necessarily have to be totally conscious of the Big Picture of growing power and control and inter-connectedness; only, truly, from a spiritual point of view does this all start to fall into place: "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places" (Ephesians 6:17 KJV).  

However, not many are putting the pieces together, either in the spiritual, the political, or the cultural realms, and certainly not the pieces of the Whole. There seems to be a general blindness, a drowning in cross-fire information and rhetoric, an apathy, a rabid sheep-like response to the growing litany of darkness and warped "virtue." This, I think, is largely tied to the mis-education, the mis-catechizing, the slowly rising heat of the cultural waters, which is now almost at the boiling point.

Once there is a frog-like global populace in compartmentalized, isolated buffer zones of reality, a populace slowly boiling in their choices via Big Tech proffering, a populace of people who think they have absolute choice over their own version of reality, but who are, in Reality, tightly tied together in one pot over the flames of technological companies and Deep State platforms, there exists a situation of potential total control. However, there are a few problems with this: one, you have to get them all from attention to their own virtual realities to hyper-attention to the reality you want them to coalesce around. You need them to jump all together out of the pot and into one you have fashioned for your own purposes. This is a difficult magic trick and requires, as does all nefarious persuasion, the creation of two things: a desire to pay attention and follow directions, and a pathos that creates less critical thinking. 

Enter a "pandemic." Along with climate change fears, this concept seems to tick all the boxes: at once, it reaches into the individual buffer zones in the same way, drawing immediate attention, via the emotion of fear (which of course shuts down critical thinking if it is already weakened and habitually dominated by the passions, a la a Bernaysian/Freudian consumer culture). A populace dependent upon mass media, a media more and more tightly controlled by influences outside such as government and private interests, and also dependent upon the maintenance through consumer culture of one's "private universe" in first-world countries especially, is, in a terrible irony, a populace ripe for control. A virulent pandemic could just provide, at the least, an opportunity for multi-national agencies and corporations to create a whole new system that does away with their perennial fear of being displaced by social or religious revolutions, by the incursion of Reality, God, into the construct. Ever are human constructs, Augustine's City of Man, attempting new ways to prevail, on their own power, against the gates of heaven.  

Enter Reset 2021, 2030, etc., all openly looking for catalysts of control. 

Do these catalysts, either climate or viral or bacterial, have to be fake? Not necessarily. Of course the kind of elitism that produces the swathes of unnecessary famines and waste and toxic products and food and weapons will be destructive; of course there are disease consequences for globalism (similar to the advent of the Black Death, a consequence in part of more connection between nations via widening trade routes). The twist is that the elitism does not fare well with widespread competition, by definition, and to be on the top of the world requires a certain imbalance in usage of the world's resources. Does this mean I am a communist? No. Communism and capitalism are a false dichotomy. There is subsidiary distributivism, there are many other models of political and economic life, much more organic ones, ones better in line with reality. However, in a situation of unhealthy, imbalanced systems, systems buffered against Reality in some respect, the coalition of control is a logical consequence, because their very imbalances and lack of cohesion with Reality--natural, eternal, divine law imbedded in creation--mean that they must be propped up, kept up, controlled; this, in turn, in a fallen human construct, like Babel, will mean opportunity for the will of the stronger (whether human or demonic) over the weaker to come into play. All these wills need to complete the circle of power is the right, ubiquitous control mechanisms. 

Of course, we have had iterations of endemics and pandemics over the 20th and 21st centuries, especially as global travel and trade became more interlocked; the oddities, though, associated with the advent of this particular iteration of a corona virus, are suspect at a very new level, and mirror, perhaps, the exponential growth of technological tools and dependence upon them. 

First, there were the questions about the virus' origins. Investigations like the Plandemic films raise questions about patents taken out on the very virus to pop up soon afterwards and any treatment of it. Investigations are ongoing about the spider's web of laboratories and Big Pharma corporations that transcend representative government (what is truly left of it), who were pursuing "gain of function" tests which strengthen viruses, even after government oversight prohibited these (albeit superficial, non-enforced prohibitions). Tests and protocols were introduced by NGOs and corporations, many with leaders at the top either having conflicts of interest or having been propped up financially by god-like foundations,  protocols that either did not work, or actually, it is beginning to be revealed, have caused a medium-level flu or cold-like virus to linger, preventing true herd immunity and driving populations toward remedies that made NGOs and corporations and their monetary masters enormous amounts of money. Definitions were changed in media res, such as the definition of "pandemic" and "herd immunity," to fit the narrative pushed nearly lock-word-step by the mass media. Doctors and scientists who began to see good results from early treatments with well-known, inexpensive medications or natural means were brutally suppressed, their reputations destroyed and their livelihoods taken, silencing many others who might otherwise have spoken. 

The censorship alone, with all the concomitant buzzwords like "misinformation" and "disinformation" and "conspiracy theories" and "anti-vaxxers" and "covidiots" and "covid deniers" (a term loaded with the very weaponized 'denier' which instills its own special kind of fear), should raise questions, but a fearful populace, isolated now beyond the constructs of "buffering" into actual isolation through lockdown and masks, terrified not only by death but by the death of economy and social life, even if these were compromised and deeply unhealthy, is not a population, of course, thinking critically or able to even see the difference between fear-mongering, fact-checking, and the raising of legitimate, necessary, debate. The philosophical art has long been relegated to a few liberal arts outposts and renegades, as Solzhenitsyn said prophetically in the late 70s, and even in these places there are many who have been more-or-less tied to the political or scientific "consensus" and are not willing or able emotionally or psychologically to engage in actual debate. We are a population that is a far cry from the robust debaters that de Tocqueville praised in Democracy in America, those who were living on the foundations and vestiges of the robust education of Christendom. 

One must read Solzhenitsyn's address at Harvard to understand, in part, this de-evolution of our rational faculty and the fundamental loss of courage; CS Lewis also prophecies about this in The Abolition of Man, and Lewis goes farther than Solzhenitsyn: perhaps as a Westerner, Lewis saw the advent, as did Huxley, of a medical tyranny (see Lewis' That Hideous Strength). This is prophetic for our particular situation because Lewis saw that the loss of faith, the loss of rational faculty into silos of individual realities and, at the university level, ever-specialized, esoteric disciplines without checks from the Tao, the Whole, the lack of courage born of unnatural comfort and brutal usage of the material world, and untethered, dogmatic scientism, would provide a wide-open door for those who wish to take control: a global medical emergency, the threat of death in a world that no longer has connection to eternal life or well-trained rational faculties creating the opportunity for elites to cooperate in making vast amounts of money on 'treatments' that can lower "baggage populations" (see Gates' TED talk on lowering populations via vaccines), creating the chance to become "like gods" in terms of managing the health and bodies of the world's population, is a recipe for medical tyranny. 

If this is anywhere near on-target, will it work? Just as in That Hideous Strength, the human agents of this tyranny may find to their dismay that they have let off a nuclear reaction that may play into the hands of the Prince of Death, that entity wishing above all else to maim God's work, that gnawing, writhing legion of hatreds. What we are seeing now are outlying scientists and doctors who are warning that the very intervention touted to solve this feardemic may be instead fueling it, drawing it out for more time and more virulence (see Vanden Bossche, Wakefield, and others). If some of these doctors and scientists are correct at any level, millions of people are compromising their own natural immune systems, a trade for synthetic, man-made help that cannot possibly battle against mutating strains...again, the hubris may be our undoing, the old story repeating itself once again. 

In the end, because of the enormity of this, affecting the entire global population, these potentially dire consequences may be the door for a person, probably a scientist and philanthropist, to provide a solution that "amazes the world." Like the present vaccines that tie health and corporate economic benefit to the abortion industry, this solution will have at its core a compromise with God's law. Or perhaps I am jumping the gun here. I do not know; reading the spiritual signs of the times is not normally an individual exercise. 

What is the solution? God. God's intervention. God, it seems to me, works through subsidiarity most, through nature, through His people. His Church. This, though, has been yet another sign of the times. With a hierarchy crippled morally and rhetorically by years of scandal and mismanagement, and turmoil in the wake of divisions after Vatican II, a hierarchy often mis-catechized and mis-educated in suboptimal seminaries since the sixties and seventies, bishops who think it more important to maintain public approval to the point, some of them, of compromising with the world against even the natural law, many of them recommending even as a moral obligation experimental, abortion-tainted medical technologies, persecuting and allowing persecution of those who try to clear up the corruption, a pope who is at best ambiguous about the very doctrines and teaching that we need to defend ourselves against the new Babel, the laity is of course "sheep scattered without a shepherd" (except a few courageous, more clear-sighted bishops). 

What is left? Prayer and martyrdom, at least now the white version of martyrdom. Prayer and martyrdom to bring the grace of God's intervention.