Saturday, May 21, 2005


Modesty Mores

First off, modesty is more than wearing shapeless clothes. In fact it isn’t wearing shapeless clothes, but clothes that reflect it. It is actually a virtue- a sort of detachment from worldliness, a self-togetherness, an integrated self turned towards God. Therefore there is a kind of poverty of spirit and humility which makes themselves felt in the way the person looks, talks, prays, eats and relates to others.

A person who has understood and is living modestly will sort of intuit which kind of clothes or hairdo or makeup would be appropriate. Even further, a modest person, a person who is poor in spirit will not think too much about clothes or hair or makeup- a modest person will simply wear decent and appropriate clothing. She will wear her clothes, her clothes will not wear her: I mean, you know the kind of person you meet who is modest such that you cannot remember what they were wearing, you can only remember the soul? The look of the eyes, the talk, the love- that is what the impression was- not the clothes.

At any rate, here are some mores for modest dressing, to help in discerning what is modest and what is not:

You need to wear really tight clothing only if you are planning to be shot through a narrow tube or something of the kind.

On the other hand, if you look like Prairie Woman, no one will take you seriously and just think, “Waco”-oh, I mean “Wacko”.

Length of skirt or dress? Hmm, let’s see. No one should be able to see most of your legs if you are sitting down-or standing, for that matter.

If you want to wear something that accentuates some part of your body, ask yourself, “Why?”

Why would ANYONE want to stand with their whole body weight on a stick with a base of 1 cm diameter?

When you’ve seen someone dressed in clothes that make them look like a prostitute, especially a heavy person, you wonder, “Do they know?”

There is a reason it is called a collarbone.